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Fones de qualidade e Bluethoot 5.2 o melhor do mercado!
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  • Frequently Asked Questions!

Frequently Asked Questions!

1 - What is the delivery time for the products?

The delivery time for products is 15 to 25 days depending on location and delivery method. We work with CTT, Fedex, DHL, postal express, express, global and among others.

2 - Is there any way I can track my order?

Of course! You can track it via login, in our support chat or if you prefer, you can send an email with the order number.

3 - Do you have a guarantee on the products?

All products have a certain warranty date. Each product has its own warranty period and will be described on the product page.

4 - Can product exchanges or returns be made?

Exchanges are available if there are problems or if they are damaged after shipping.

Returns Some products may be subject to returns and will be described on the product page.

5 - If I have more questions, how do I contact Onship Shop?

You can contact us via chat, email or WhatsApp.

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